Saturday, May 12, 2007

Tea time

Join me as I discover the world of tea! I hope to make weekly posts discussing new kinds of tea that I'm trying, tea ware, places to buy tea, benefits of tea, and anything else I can think of relating to the world of tea.

Note that I am NOT a tea expert, just an enthusiast. I am, however, a quick study with discerning tastes. I've never had a tea that I flat out did not like, but there are some that I like more than others. My tastes tend towards the fragrant and fruity, but NOT scented or flavored teas. I am very much enjoying discovering the world of fine teas, and I hope I can encourage others to as well. So I will try my best to give you the scoop on some of the fine teas out there as simply and accurately as possible.

I hope you enjoy it :)

1 comment:

Ido said...

I might not have joined you in the beginning of your tea discovery (online), but I am sure looking forward to joing you now.

all the best